Replication ensures that published messages are not lost and can be consumed in the event of any machine error, program error or frequent software upgrades.
Replications are critical as they ensure published messages can be consumed in the event of any program error or machine error and are not lost.
public class DemoApplication {
public static final String TEST_TOPIC_ID = "event-stream";
public static class KafkaConfig {
@Value("${kafka.topic:" + TEST_TOPIC_ID + "}")
private String topic;
private String brokerAddress;
private String zookeeperAddress;
KafkaConfig() {
public KafkaConfig(String t, String b, String zk) {
this.topic = t;
this.brokerAddress = b;
this.zookeeperAddress = zk;
public String getTopic() {
return topic;
public String getBrokerAddress() {
return brokerAddress;
public String getZookeeperAddress() {
return zookeeperAddress;
public static class ProducerConfiguration {
private KafkaConfig kafkaConfig;
private static final String OUTBOUND_ID = "outbound";
private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
CommandLineRunner kickOff(
@Qualifier(OUTBOUND_ID + ".input") MessageChannel in) {
return args -> {
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
in.send(new GenericMessage<>("#" + i));"sending message #" + i);
@Bean(name = OUTBOUND_ID)
IntegrationFlow producer() {"starting producer flow..");
return flowDefinition -> {
Consumer<KafkaProducerMessageHandlerSpec.ProducerMetadataSpec> spec =
(KafkaProducerMessageHandlerSpec.ProducerMetadataSpec metadata)->
KafkaProducerMessageHandlerSpec messageHandlerSpec =
props -> props.put("", "15000"))
.messageKey(m -> m.getHeaders().get(IntegrationMessageHeaderAccessor.SEQUENCE_NUMBER))
this.kafkaConfig.getBrokerAddress(), spec);
public static class ConsumerConfiguration {
private KafkaConfig kafkaConfig;
private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
IntegrationFlow consumer() {"starting consumer..");
KafkaHighLevelConsumerMessageSourceSpec messageSourceSpec = Kafka.inboundChannelAdapter(
new ZookeeperConnect(this.kafkaConfig.getZookeeperAddress()))
.consumerProperties(props ->
props.put("auto.offset.reset", "smallest")
.put("", "100"))
.addConsumer("myGroup", metadata -> metadata.consumerTimeout(100)
.topicStreamMap(m -> m.put(this.kafkaConfig.getTopic(), 1))
Consumer<SourcePollingChannelAdapterSpec> endpointConfigurer = e -> e.poller(p -> p.fixedDelay(100));
return IntegrationFlows
.from(messageSourceSpec, endpointConfigurer)
.<Map<String, List<String>>>handle((payload, headers) -> {
payload.entrySet().forEach(e -> + '=' + e.getValue()));
return null;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);