alias customCommand=OriginalCommand
## example
alias dt=date
vi ~/.bashrc
# add below lines in the file
alias l="ls -al"
#close the vim editor and run below command
source ~/.bashrc
# you can create alias in bash or linux by using "alias" command like this;
# [Temporary Alias]
alias la="ls -la"
# now you can use "ls -la" command just by typing "la" but it will only work
# till the current session
# [Permanent Alias]
step 1. > open ~/.bashrc file in your favourite editor
step 2. > paste/write your alias their
step 3. > save and its done
Basic syntax:
alias abbreviated_command='original -long -command'
# Example process:
1. Open the .bashrc file with your favorite shell text editor. E.g.
type "vi ~/.bashrc"
# Note, in general, the .bashrc file should be in your home
# directory. Type "cd ~" and then "ls -a" to confirm that it's there
2. Define an alias on a new line using this basic syntax:
alias abbreviated_command='original -long -command'
E.g.: alias ls='ls --color -lhAFG'
3. Save and exit the .bashrc file (e.g. type ":q" and Enter in vi/vim/nvim)
4. Source the .bashrc file to apply/activate the alias. E.g.
type "source ~/.bashrc"
# Note, I like having the following aliases to speed up this process:
alias bashrc='vi ~/.bashrc'
alias sourcebash='source ~/.bashrc'
# syntax
# alias *<alias-name>="*<what-alias-represents>"
# example
alias ll="ls -lrt"