Public Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" _
() As Long '**
Public Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" _
Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal HWnd As Long, _
ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long '**
Sub ExcelL_20_12_2022()
'Macro L to Log Active Windows in Active Spreadsheet - CPU approx 14% - clear airflow for laptop!
'Macro l, version to log with Excel not open to be coded. May add tech break (20mins in middle of 4 hours and lunch prompts)
'ScreenUpdating = False and True lower down, not needed
Range("A1") = "Macro L: Running"
Range("B1") = "<<< Delete text in Cell A1 to stop Macro L"
Range("B2") = "With Taskbar Settings set to <Never combine taskbar buttons> click on this Excel file on the Taskbar to set a marker if needed"
Range("B3") = "To Work in Excel >>>This file is Active Window >>>START >>>ALT+Excel >>>Do you want to start a new instance of Excel? >>>Yes"
Range("A5").Select 'personal macro record
'[single click execution via QAT]>> "- & down chevron" on QAT >>More Commands >>Popular Commands >>Macros >>Add >>Edit Macro L >>OK
Dim ExR As Range
Set ExR = Selection 'current location in Excel Spreadsheet*
Dim PreText As String 'pre loop - personal insert
PreText = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" 'just needed an active window text that is unlikely to occur
ExR(1, 1) = "Date and Time"
ExR(1, 2) = "Active Window"
Rows("6:6").Select 'personal macro record
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
row = 2
Do While Range("A1") = "Macro L: Running"
Dim WinText As String
Dim HWnd As Long
Dim L As Long
HWnd = GetForegroundWindow()
WinText = String(255, vbNullChar)
L = GetWindowText(HWnd, WinText, 255)
WinText = Left(WinText, InStr(1, WinText, vbNullChar) - 1)
'Debug.Print L, WinText **from the original code – line commented out, repurposed from at heart of this Macro L
If PreText = WinText Then
'Delay 0.3 Second and then GoTo SkipRetry
Dim PauseTime, Start, Finish, TotalTime
Dim StartTime As Single ', TimeElapsed As Single
Dim StartDate As Date
StartDate = Date
StartTime = Timer
PauseTime = 0.3
'SOURCE****: Overcome Midnight problem of Timer (can’t see code just to error handle pause straddle at 00:00:00)
Dim Adjust
Adjust = (86400 * (Date - StartDate)) - (StartTime * (Date - StartDate))
'Adjust calculates the PauseTime before the new day at 00:00:00, if the PauseTime straddles Midnight
'if PauseTime straddles Midnight:
'StartTime is reset to zero
'PauseTime is reset to delete PauseTime before Midnight
Do While Timer < _
(StartTime - (StartTime * (Date - StartDate))) + _ 'StartTime or zero for Midnight straddle
(PauseTime - (PauseTime * (Date - StartDate))) + _'PauseTime or
(PauseTime * (Date - StartDate)) – Adjust 'PauseTime from 00:00:00 only for Midnight straddle
'After a rare PauseTime straddle between two dates, the formula will revert back to the simple version:
'Do While Timer < StartTime + PauseTime