The objective of this technique is to demonstrate how the visual appearance
of spacing in text may be enhanced via style sheets while still maintaining
meaningful text sequencing. The CSS letter-spacing property helps developers
control the amount of white space between characters. This is recommended over
adding blank characters to control the spacing, since the blank characters can
change the meaning and pronunciation of the word.
h2{ letter-spacing: 1em;
<h2>{ Museum }</h2>
M u s e u m
/* Keyword value */
letter-spacing: normal;
/* <length> values */
letter-spacing: 0.3em;
letter-spacing: 3px;
letter-spacing: .3px;
/* Global values */
letter-spacing: inherit;
letter-spacing: initial;
letter-spacing: revert;
letter-spacing: revert-layer;
letter-spacing: unset;