# Create a list containing a string, a vector, a logical and a number
# values.
list_data <- list("Caparezza", c(13,3,31), FALSE, 51.11, 23.4)
# Basic syntax:
list(11, 23, 42) # List of numerics
list(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) # List of booleans/logicals
list("aa", "bb", "cc") # List of strings
# Note, in R, list and vectors (aka atomic vectors) are both
# one-dimensional objects, but lists can contain mixed type data
# whereas vectors can only contain one type of data
# Note, to make a vector, use: c(11, 23, 42)
list("a", 1L, 1.5, TRUE)
#NB: A list can be made up mixed data types: Character, integer, double, logical