# Two types of windows:
# Rolling Window: constant window size, sliding
# example : sum of last 10 day's sell
# day 11 profit = sum(day1:day10)
# day 12 profit = sum(day2:day11)
# day 13 profit = sum(day3:day12)
# Calculate rolling window with specified no of timeframe
rolling_df_time = df.rolling(window='90D').mean()
# Calculate rolling window with specified no of rows
rolling_df_row = df.rolling(window=90).mean()
# Expanding Window: Growing window size. contain all prior values (cumulative result)
# example : sum of all sell till company's foundation
# day 11 profit = sum(day1:day10)
# day 21 profit = sum(day1:day20)
# day 31 profit = sum(day1:day30)
cumulative_sum = df["col"].cumsum()
cumulative_product = df["col"].cumprod()
cumulative_min = df["col"].expanding().min()
cumulative_max = df["col"].expanding().max()
#We will use tkinter for now
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
#After importing tkinter we can give any name to our window for storing it
screen = Tk()
#Now we can add title to window using .title()
screen.title("VScoder tutorial how to create a window")
#You may set a size
#For now we will add a label and later you may add other items
Firstlabel = Label(screen, text="Hi")
#We may config and change background and text color or foreground
Firstlabel.config(bg="Red", fg="Blue")
#We can pack it or grid it , for now I will pack it ,Grid is for a special
#Now to add it create a mainloop
#If using tkinter
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import*
#Window creating
root = tk.Tk()
# Defining name
name = "First window"
# Setting window
# IF want to use geometry So let me tell that no need of that at all
# Tkinter sets the window according to data or things inside it
# Adding button
Button bt1 = Button(root, text = "Simple click");
# Making function
def doer():
# Print is for console
print("Did well");
# Adding button with function
Button bt2 = Button(root, text = "Function", command = doer)
# If you will add () it after brackets it will run automatically
# Adding buttons
# This can show error If using pycharm reformat file
# Set it as you are best