some_list = [1,3,2]
# Function — a stand-alone set of instructions that perform a task.
# example: sorted() built-in function that returns a new sorted list
sorted(some_list) # [1,2,3] is returned as new list. You need a variable to store the result.
print(some_list) # However, the original list remains [1,3,2].
# SO.... "sorted()" is a function that just takes something in, and returns some output
# Method — a set of instructions associated with an object that interacts with that object.
# example: sort() built-in method that changes the main list as sorted list
some_list.sort() # [1,2,3] is re-assigned as new content of some_list
print(some_list) # [1,2,3] itself is changed
# SO... "sort()" is a method that changes the associated "some_list" object