* Set whether or not the container should commit offsets (ack messages) where the
* listener throws exceptions. This works in conjunction with {@link #ackMode} and is
* effective only when the kafka property {@code} is {@code false};
* it is not applicable to manual ack modes. When this property is set to {@code true}
* (the default), all messages handled will have their offset committed. When set to
* {@code false}, offsets will be committed only for successfully handled messages.
* Manual acks will be always be applied. Bear in mind that, if the next message is
* successfully handled, its offset will be committed, effectively committing the
* offset of the failed message anyway, so this option has limited applicability.
* Perhaps useful for a component that starts throwing exceptions consistently;
* allowing it to resume when restarted from the last successfully processed message.
* @param ackOnError whether the container should acknowledge messages that throw
* exceptions.
public void setAckOnError(boolean ackOnError) {
this.ackOnError = ackOnError;