import { Dispatch, SetStateAction, useCallback, useState } from 'react'
function useToggle(
defaultValue?: boolean,
): [boolean, () => void, Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>>] {
const [value, setValue] = useState(!!defaultValue)
const toggle = useCallback(() => setValue(x => !x), [])
return [value, toggle, setValue]
export default useToggle
// import React, { useState } from 'react';
const { useState } = React;
function App() {
const [checked, setChecked] = useState(false);
const toggleChecked = () => setChecked(value => !value);
return (
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
import { useCallback, useState } from 'react';
// Usage
function App() {
// Call the hook which returns, current value and the toggler function
const [isTextChanged, setIsTextChanged] = useToggle();
return (
<button onClick={setIsTextChanged}>{isTextChanged ? 'Toggled' : 'Click to Toggle'}</button>
// Hook
// Parameter is the boolean, with default "false" value
const useToggle = (initialState = false) => {
// Initialize the state
const [state, setState] = useState(initialState);
// Define and memorize toggler function in case we pass down the component,
// This function change the boolean value to it's opposite value
const toggle = useCallback(() => setState(state => !state), []);
return [state, toggle]