The continuous delivery pipeline is significantly faster because the deployment units are smaller. Consequently, deployment is faster.
Continuous delivery pipelines contain many test stages. The software has to be deployed in each stage. Faster deployments speed up the tests and therefore the pipeline.
The tests are also faster because they need to cover fewer functionalities. Only the features in the individual microservice have to be tested, whereas in the case of a deployment monolith, the entire functionality has to be tested due to possible regressions.
Building up a continuous delivery pipeline is easier for microservices. Setting up an environment for a deployment monolith is complicated. Most of the time, powerful servers are required. In addition, third-party systems are frequently necessary for tests. A microservice requires less powerful hardware. Besides, not many third-party systems are needed in the test environments.
In summary, microservices facilitate continuous delivery. Even their support of continuous delivery can be reason enough to migrate a deployment monolith to microservices.