This tiny test class can be explained as follows:
@WebMvcTest: A Spring Boot test annotation that enables Spring MVC’s machinery. The controllers parameter constrains this test suite to only the HomeController class.
@Autowired MockMvc mvc: @WebMvcTest adds an instance of Spring’s MockMvc utility to the application context. Then, we can autowire it into our test suite for all test methods to use.
@MockBean VideoService videoService: This bean is a required component of HomeController. Using Spring Boot Test’s @MockBean annotation creates a mocked version of the bean and adds it into the application context.
@Test: Denotes this method as a JUnit 5 test case.
@WithMockUser: This annotation from Spring Security Test simulates a user logging in with a username of user and an authority of ROLE_USER (default values).
The first line uses MockMvc to perform a get("/").
The subsequent clauses perform a series of assertions, including verifying whether the result is an HTTP 200 (OK) response code and that the content contains a username of user and an authority of ROLE_USER. Then, it wraps up the MockMVC call by grabbing the entire response as a string.
Following the MockMVC call is an AssertJ assertion, verifying bits of HTML output.