To make Helm do something for us, we will use its CLI tool, helm.
Some of the most frequently used Helm commands are:
create: used to create new charts.
dependency update (dep up for short): resolves dependencies on other charts. Charts are placed in the charts folder and the file Chart.lock is updated.
dependency build: rebuilds the dependencies based on the content in the file Chart.lock.
template: renders the definitions files created by the templates.
install: installs a chart. This command can override the values supplied by a chart, either using the --set flag to override a single value or using the --values flag to supply its own yaml file with values.
install --dry-run: simulates a deployment without performing it; useful for verifying a deployment before executing it.
list: lists installations in the current Namespace.
upgrade: updates an existing installation.
uninstall: removes an installation.