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It sounds like you are encountering an issue with the xdebug extension when trying to debug code that uses the Assert library. One potential reason for this could be that xdebug is configured to stop at any exception, and the Assert library is throwing exceptions when it encounters an invalid argument.
To resolve this issue, you can configure xdebug to ignore exceptions thrown by the Assert library. To do this, you can add the following line to your xdebug configuration:
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xdebug.exception_ignore_mask = "~\vendor\webmozart\assert\.*$"
This tells xdebug to ignore any exceptions that originate from the Assert library.
Note that the exact configuration may vary depending on your specific setup and xdebug version. You can consult the xdebug documentation for more information on how to configure this option.
//comment this from php.ini or config of xdebug
xdebug.show_exception_trace = 0