import pytesseract
from pytesseract import Output
from PIL import Image
import pandas as pd
custom_config = r'-c preserve_interword_spaces=1 --oem 1 --psm 1 -l eng+ita'
d = pytesseract.image_to_data('referto-2.jpg'), config=custom_config, output_type=Output.DICT)
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
# clean up blanks
df1 = df[(df.conf!='-1')&(df.text!=' ')&(df.text!='')]
# sort blocks vertically
sorted_blocks = df1.groupby('block_num').first().sort_values('top').index.tolist()
for block in sorted_blocks:
curr = df1[df1['block_num']==block]
sel = curr[curr.text.str.len()>3]
char_w = (sel.width/sel.text.str.len()).mean()
prev_par, prev_line, prev_left = 0, 0, 0
text = ''
for ix, ln in curr.iterrows():
# add new line when necessary
if prev_par != ln['par_num']:
text += '\n'
prev_par = ln['par_num']
prev_line = ln['line_num']
prev_left = 0
elif prev_line != ln['line_num']:
text += '\n'
prev_line = ln['line_num']
prev_left = 0
added = 0 # num of spaces that should be added
if ln['left']/char_w > prev_left + 1:
added = int((ln['left'])/char_w) - prev_left
text += ' ' * added
text += ln['text'] + ' '
prev_left += len(ln['text']) + added + 1
text += '\n'