You can change the value of FS in the awk program with the assignment operator, `=' (see section Assignment Expressions). Often the right time to do this is at the beginning of execution, before any input has been processed, so that the very first record will be read with the proper separator. To do this, use the special BEGIN pattern (see section The BEGIN and END Special Patterns). For example, here we set the value of FS to the string ",":
awk 'BEGIN { FS = "," } ; { print $2 }'
Given the input line,
John Q. Smith, 29 Oak St., Walamazoo, MI 42139
Just use function split in awk command to split a line into an array 'a'
using a choosen string as delimiter as for example ", " in next use case:
echo "hi, bye, hey" | awk '{split($0,a,", "); print a[3],a[2],a[1]}'
Or you could also do next:
echo "a, b, c" | sed 's/, /,/g' file.txt | awk -F ',' '{print $1 $2 $3}'