YAGNI is stands for “You Ain’t Gonna Need It”. Sometimes, we try to think way ahead, into the future of the project, adding some extra features “just in case we need them”.
This is Wrong! we don’t need it and in most of the case we can say YAGNI = “You Aren’t Gonna Need It”.
It’s a principle from software development methodology of Extreme Programming (XP). This methodology said “Do the Simplest Thing That Could Possibly Work”. This principle says that you should not create features that it’s not really necessary. This principle is similar to the KISS principle, both of them aim for a simpler solution.
The difference between them is that YAGNI focus on removing unnecessary functionality and logic, and KISS focus on the complexity. By these principles we will save yourself time and be able to move forward with projects efficiently.
So with following these principles, we will start to design our e-commerce application architecture. Remember that a clean system, it’s easier to main, easier to understand and for sure it will save your time when you need to change or implement something.