string str = "Hello, World!";
char[] oldChars = { ',', '!' };
char newChar = '.';
string replacedStr = str.Replace(oldChars[0], newChar).Replace(oldChars[1], newChar);
Console.WriteLine(replacedStr); // Output: "Hello. World."
You could use Linq's Aggregate function:
string s = "the\nquick\tbrown\rdog,jumped;over the lazy fox.";
char[] chars = new char[] { ' ', ';', ',', '\r', '\t', '\n' };
string snew = chars.Aggregate(s, (c1, c2) => c1.Replace(c2, '\n'));
Here's the extension method:
public static string ReplaceAll(this string seed, char[] chars, char replacementCharacter)
return chars.Aggregate(seed, (str, cItem) => str.Replace(cItem, replacementCharacter));
Extension method usage example:
string snew = s.ReplaceAll(chars, '\n');
string name="$1,300";
Console.Write((name.Replace("$","").Replace(",",""))); // output-> 1300
public static class ExtensionMethods
public static string Replace(this string s, char[] separators, string newVal)
string[] temp;
temp = s.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
return String.Join( newVal, temp );
// use
char[] separators = new char[]{' ',';',',','\r','\t','\n'};
string s = "this;is,\ra\t\n\n\ntest";
s = s.Replace(separators, "\n");