Product Vault is responsible for the manufacturing and operation of banking products, and
these are expressed as Smart Contracts Smart Contracts Vault Smart Contracts are written in Python Code and include the financial logic for products
Account An account in Vault is backed by a specific version of your Smart Contract and the
code in this Smart Contract is run when you open an account in Vault Balances Accounts within Vault have balances, and these balances are used in order to allocate the positions a customer holds
Postings Vault is responsible for generating and recording movements of funds between
accounts on Vault which are called postings
The Postings API
The Contracts API
Vault Core’s Ledger will record the postings that have been successfully made against an account.
Customer The customer entity in Vault will be used to indicate that a customer has a holding
in an account, and this will be linked to your actual customer entity outside of Vault using a
unique ID
A customer can have a Zero account tagged to him in vault
It is recommended to store customer data outside vault