Outbound or Inbound Authorisation This type is used to put funds on hold, another term being to ring fenced funds in an account. These funds
are expected to be later settled or released. It does this by moving funds from an account balance’s pending phase to the rec ipi ent account
balance’s pending phase. Depending on whether it is an Outbound or Inbound Posting Type this will be using the Pending Outgoi ng or Pending
Incoming phase.
Authorisation Adjustment This type is used to increase the amount that has already been authorised out of an account’s balance, when you
know that you need to authorise additional funds out of the customer’s account. It requires you to link it to an existing authorisation , and it will
allow you to authorise additional funds to this existing authorised amount.
Settlement This type requires you to link it to an existing Authorisation posting, and you will be able to settle the amount of money th a t has
been authorised out of the account’s balance. You are also able to settle more or less than has been authorised out of the account balance.
Settlement of funds will move these funds from the pending outgoing or incoming phase to the ommitted phase of the relevant account’s
Release This type is a release posting within Vault must be linked to an existing authorisation type of posting. It will release the funds that have
been held or ring fenced in this payments journey. It will zero out the pending phase by reversing the posting that has been mad e to add money to
this pending phase in this journey.
Hard Settlement This type allows you to transfer funds from one account balance to another account without prior authorisation . It moves
money directly from the committed phase of the outbound account’s balance into the committed phase of the inbound account’s b ala nce . Hard
settlement does not need Authorization
Transfer This type is used when you are making an on Vault transfer, from one account to another on Vault. The Transfer Posting type will move
funds from an account balance’s committed phase to another account balance’s committed phase. This posting type is also used in moving funds
between customers account and Internal accounts
Custom Instruction This type provides you with the flexibility to move funds from Any account, Any address or Any phase to Any account, Any
address or Any phase. You can construct Custom Instructions via either the Postings API or within Smart Contracts.