Smart Contract execution: Smart Contract executions are run according to the instructions of a posting instruction batch. See Smart Contracts for more information.
The types of instructions that can trigger the Smart Contract execution are:
Transfer: Smart Contract execution through the pre_posting_hook will be run.
Inbound hard settlement: Smart Contract execution through the pre_posting_hook will be run.
Outbound hard settlement: Smart Contract execution through the pre_posting_hook will be run.
Inbound authorisation: Smart Contract execution through the pre_posting_hook will be run.
Outbound authorisation: Smart Contract execution through the pre_posting_hook will be run.
Authorisation adjustment: Smart Contract execution through the pre_posting_hook will be run.
Release: Smart Contract execution through the pre_posting_hook will not be run unless the require_pre_posting_hook_execution field is specified in the posting instruction.
Settlement: Smart Contract execution through the pre_posting_hook will not be run unless the require_pre_posting_hook_execution field is specified in the posting instruction.
Custom instruction: Smart Contract execution through the pre_posting_hook will be run.
Restriction checks: When posting instructions specify a customer account via the account_id field, the Postings API checks the customer-level restrictions as well as the account-level restrictions. When a customer account is specified via a payment device token, payment device-level restrictions are also checked. Any restriction violation yields a restriction violation object (within the posting instruction object), which contains the relevant restriction set ID in Vault.