Using re module (Regular Expressions)
import re
import string
def remove_punctuation(text):
# Create a pattern that matches punctuation characters
pattern = f"[{re.escape(string.punctuation)}]"
# Substitute matched punctuation characters with an empty string
return re.sub(pattern, "", text)
example = "Hello, World! How's it going?"
xxxxxxxxxx, string, flags=0)
# pattern: The first argument is the regular expression pattern we want to search inside the target string.
# string: The second argument is the variable pointing to the target string (In which we want to look for occurrences of the pattern).
# flags: Finally, the third argument is optional and it refers to regex flags by default no flags are applied.
Using Array.prototype.filter() and Array.prototype.join()
function removePunctuation(text) {
// Convert the input string to an array of characters
const charArray = text.split("");
// Define a regular expression pattern that matches punctuation characters
const punctuationPattern = /[^ws]|_/g;
// Filter the array to exclude punctuation characters
const filteredArray = charArray.filter((char) => !punctuationPattern.test(char));
// Join the filtered array back into a string
return filteredArray.join("");
const example = "Hello, World! How's it going?";