1-> first in your task bar on right in arrow, click on wamp icon
2-> go to php and get version that you use, exemple php 8.0.26 i'ts important you get your own version
3-> go to wamp64\bin\php\ and get directory of your php version
4-> open php init with notepad or vscode
5-> ctrl+f and paste this " extension=openssl " you will see something like this " ; extension=openssl " decommente this line just delete ";"
6-> do samethings with that " extension_dir = "./" "
7-> and with that " extension_dir ="c:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.0.26/ext/" "
8-> now save and close it
9-> copy this path " C:\wamp64\bin\php\php8.0.26 " don't forget get write directory with your version of php, after that write php.exe to get somethings like that C:\wamp64\bin\php\php8.0.26\php.exe
10-> open your search bar window and write " environment variables " and click on " edit the system environment variables "
11-> click on path and click on edit, after that click on new and paste your path exemple : "C:\wamp64\bin\php\php8.0.26\php.exe "
12-> finally click on ok and restart wampserver