The useFrame hook in React Three is a powerful and flexible way to update your three.js scene on every frame. It allows you to define a function that will be executed every time the scene is rendered, and provides access to the current state of the three.js renderer, including the current camera position and the current time.
In this example, we've created a RotatingBox component that uses the useFrame hook to rotate a mesh element on every frame. We're accessing the current clock.elapsedTime value to create a sine and cosine wave to rotate the mesh.
The useFrame hook takes a callback function that will be called on every frame, and passes in an object with the current state of the renderer. In this example, we're using the state.clock.elapsedTime value to update the rotation of the mesh.
The useFrame hook can be used to update any part of your three.js scene on every frame, including the camera position, lighting, and materials. It's a powerful tool that can be used to create dynamic and interactive three.js applications in React.