a tag in HTML
/*'a' tag represents a hyperlink which can be used to link pages with one another*/
<a href=" the link"> name given to the link </a>
/*you can link pages on the web, for example the grepper home page*/
<a href="https://www.grepper.com/"> Grepper </a>
/*and also the files in your folder as well*/
<a href="home page.html"> Home </a>
Actually href is a html attribute, which is used for passing page url to the a tag.
<a href="url">Click here</a>
<!-- This is how you use a <a> tag in html -->
<a class="nav-link" href="Story.html">Story</a>
<a href="#">
Anything Can Go Here
Examples are .
You can display using any element like IMG or BUTTON
to make any element a hyperlink