The name itself indicates the repository is distributed and every developer's workspace
contains a local copy of the repository. There is no question of a central repository. If 4 developers are there then 4 repositories will be there.
1) The checkout and commit operations will be performed locally. Hence the performance is
2) To perform checkout and commit operations network is not required. Hence if there is
any network outage, still version control is applicable.
3) If something goes wrong with any repository there is a chance to recover. There is no
question of a single point of failure.
4) To perform push and pull operations network must be required, but these operations
are not the most common operations and we are performing them very rarely.
1) commit and checkout operations will be performed between the workspace and
workspace – commit Repository
Repository – checkout workspace
2) push and pull operations will be performed between repositories.
one repository ---push other repository
one repository pull---- another repository