cache-config: The root element for the Coherence cache configuration.
2.caching-scheme-mapping: Contains the mapping of cache names to caching schemes.
1. cache-mapping: Defines the mapping between a cache name and a caching scheme.
1. cache-name: The unique name of the cache.
2. scheme-name: The name of the caching scheme that this cache should use.
3.caching-schemes: Contains the caching scheme definitions.
1. distributed-scheme: The distributed caching scheme. This scheme provides a distributed
cache, partitioned across the cluster members.
1. scheme-name: The name of the distributed caching scheme.
2. backing-map-scheme: The backing map scheme that defines the storage strategy for the
distributed cache.
1. local-scheme: A local backing map scheme that stores the cache data in the local
member's memory.
3. autostart: A boolean value that indicates whether the cache should start automatically when
the cache service starts. The value is either true or false.