Consuming Events
For this exercise we will be supplying two different methods you can consume events from
1. kcat
Use Kcat to connect to our Streaming APIs, for the purpose of these exercises. Kcat
(formerly kafkacat) is a command-line utility that you can use to test and debug
Apache Kafka deployments. You can use kcat to produce, consume, and list topic and
partition information for Kafka.
Follow the kcat installation here. To start consuming events, you would kcat
commands in the following format:
kcat -b
-C -o end
Which would look similar to this:
kcat -b
vault.api.v1.customers.customer.created -C -o end
The kafka_broker can be found in the Developer Starter Pack. You can refer to this
kcat documentation for more information.
2. KafkaConsumer in Python (Filtering allowed)
A Python file is provided that allows you to consume from a specified kafka topic and
server. Enter the Kafka topic in the KafkaTopic variable and the Kafka Server in the
KafkaServer Variable.
The following prerequisite installations are required:
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● Python 3
● Python-snappy module (pip3 install python-snappy)
● Kafka-Python (pip3 install kafka-python)
To set up, navigate to api_tutorials directory and run the following command:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
This simple Python script accepts five arguments:
● [topic] e.g.
● [server] e.g.
● [security_protocol] SSL or Plaintext
● [headers] True or leave empty/false
● [filter] e.g. chris
Example: python Plaintext