In this exercise we will use the RESTful APIs in order to create and update a resource and
consume the resulting event from the relevant Kafka topic.
Core Streaming API: Customers
There are three different events that are generated when a customer entity is created or
updated in the Vault Core system. These are:
● CustomerCreatedEvent
○ vault.api.v1.customers.customer.created
○ Generated when a customer is created
● CustomerDetailsUpdated
○ vault.api.v1.customers.customer.customer_details.updated
○ Generated when a customer’s details are updated
● CustomerAddressEvent
○ Generated when a customer address event is published
Exercise Worksheet
Create a Customer and view the result
1. Create a Customer using a POST request to the Customers /v1/customers endpoint.
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2. Listen to the vault.api.v1.customers.customer.created endpoint and
observe the event emitted
Update a Customer’s details and view the result
1. Update the key:value field customer.customer_details using a PUT to the
/v1/customers/{customer_id} endpoint
2. Listen to the vault.api.v1.customers.customer.customer_details.updated
endpoint and observe the event emitted