Just go to the following link, and enjoy!
Ubuntu → Ubuntu:
Boot the desktop to Ubuntu.
On both the desktop and the laptop do the following to make sure ssh-server is installed:
Open a terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T and enter
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
Enter your password when prompted. The cursor will not move when you enter the password. This is normal.
This will install the ssh-server if it is not already installed. If already installed, it will do nothing.
The Desktop First:
Open Nautilus and find the Menu item "Other Locations". At the bottom find Connect to Server:
sftp connection7
Under Server Address Enter:
where laptop_user_id is the user ID you created for on your laptop. You can find your user ID by typing whoami in a terminal. And laptop_name is the name you gave to the laptop when you installed Ubuntu.
Alternately, if you know the local IP address of your laptop you can replace laptop_name.local with the local IP address of the laptop.
Press Connect. You will see a password dialog box:
Enter the password associated with laptop_user_id and select if you want the password is to be remembered or not. Again click Connect.
Now you should see your home folder of the laptop.
Notice there is a new entry under Network on the left panel of Nautilus that begins with laptop_user_id. Right click on it and choose "Add Bookmark" to create a permanent bookmark for your laptop's home folder in the Nautilus of the Desktop.
See this page for pictures from an older version.
Now the laptop
Follow the same process as the desktop above.