In order to be able to deploy and test our sample microservices we need to prepare a development environment. We can realize that in the following steps:
You need at least a single node cluster instance of Kubernetes (Minikube) or Openshift (Minishift) running on your local machine. You should start it and expose the embedded Docker client provided by both of them. The detailed instruction for Minishift may be found there: Quick guide to deploying Java apps on OpenShift. You can also use that description to run Minikube – just replace word ‘minishift’ with ‘minikube’. In fact, it does not matter if you choose Kubernetes or Openshift – the next part of this tutorial would be applicable for both of them
Spring Cloud Kubernetes requires access to Kubernetes API in order to be able to retrieve a list of addresses of pods running for a single service. If you use Kubernetes you should just execute the following command: