In this lesson, we will investigate singly-linked lists by focusing on how one might delete a node in the linked list. In summary, to delete a node, we’ll first find the node to be deleted by traversing the linked list. Then, we’ll delete that node and update the rest of the pointers. That’s it!
Delete Node B
Singly Linked List: Delete Node By Value
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To solve this problem, we need to handle two cases:
Node to be deleted is head.
Node to be deleted is not head.
Case of Deleting Head
Let’s look at the illustration below to get a fair idea of the steps that we are going to follow while writing the code.
Singly Linked List: Delete Head Node
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Now let’s go ahead and implement the case illustrated above in Python.
The class method delete_node takes key as an input parameter. On line 3, we’ll declare cur_node as self.head to have a starting point to traverse the linked list. To handle the case of deleting the head, we’ll check if cur_node is not None and if the data in cur_node is equal to key on line 5. Note that cur_node is pointing to the head of the linked list at this point. If key matches, we’ll update the head of the linked list (self.head) to, i.e., the next node of the previous head node (line 6). Once we have updated the head of the linked list, we’ll set the node to be deleted (cur_node) to None (line 7) and return from the method.
Now that we have written the code for deleting the head node let’s move on to the other case of deletion, deleting a node from a linked list which is not the head node.