Imagine you have a magic token that only you and your best friend know.
Every time your friend wants to give you a gift, they have to include
this special token with the gift. When you receive the gift, you check
if the token matches the one you gave to your friend. If it matches,
you know it's a genuine gift from your friend.
In the same way, when you visit a website, the website gives you a
secret token, just like the magic token. Then, when you fill out a
form on that website and submit it, the form includes that secret token.
When the website receives your form, it checks if the token you
sent matches the one it gave you. If they match, the website knows
the form was genuinely submitted by you.
This secret token is called the CSRF token in Django. It's a way for the
website to make sure that the form submissions it receives are from
the same person who loaded the form. It helps prevent bad people from
tricking you into submitting forms without your knowledge or permission.
So, the CSRF token is like a secret code that ensures the website can
trust the forms you submit. It's an important security measure to keep
you and your information safe when interacting with websites.
Also Remember:
In Django, the CSRF token is different for each user session but
remains the same within a session.
When you first visit a website, Django generates a unique CSRF token for
your session and includes it in the HTML form. This token is stored in
your browser's cookies or session storage.
Each time you submit a form on that website during your session, the
same CSRF token is sent along with the form data. The server checks if
the submitted token matches the one stored in the user's session. If
they match, the form submission is considered valid.
So, the CSRF token is unique to your session but remains the same
throughout that session. It helps prevent CSRF attacks by ensuring
that the form submissions originate from the same user who loaded the