Once the database is up, we can use the following command to execute all the tests:
* CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) - Public Domain Dedication
* No Copyright
* The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to
* the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide
* under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the
* extent allowed by law.
package com.wegtam.books.pfhais.impure.models
import cats.implicits._
import com.wegtam.books.pfhais.BaseSpec
import com.wegtam.books.pfhais.impure.models.TypeGenerators._
import io.circe.parser._
import io.circe.syntax._
class ProductTest extends BaseSpec {
"Product" when {
"decoding from JSON" when {
"JSON format is invalid" must {
"return an error" in {
forAll("input") { s: String =>
decode[Product](s).isLeft must be(true)
"JSON format is valid" when {
"data is invalid" must {
"return an error" in {
forAll("id", "names") { (id: String, ns: List[String]) =>
val json = """{"id":""" + id.asJson.noSpaces + ""","names":""" + ns.asJson.noSpaces + """}"""
decode[Product](json).isLeft must be(true)
"data is valid" must {
"return the correct types" in {
forAll("input") { i: Product =>
val json = s"""{
|"id": ${i.id.asJson.noSpaces},
|"names": ${i.names.asJson.noSpaces}
withClue(s"Unable to decode JSON: $json") {
decode[Product](json) match {
case Left(e) => fail(e.getMessage)
case Right(v) => v must be(i)
"encoding to JSON" must {
"return correct JSON" in {
forAll("input") { i: Product =>
val json = i.asJson.noSpaces
json must include(s""""id":${i.id.asJson.noSpaces}""")
json must include(s""""names":${i.names.asJson.noSpaces}""")
"return decodeable JSON" in {
forAll("input") { p: Product =>
decode[Product](p.asJson.noSpaces) match {
case Left(_) => fail("Must be able to decode encoded JSON!")
case Right(d) => withClue("Must decode the same product!")(d must be(p))
"#fromDatabase" must {
"create correct results" in {
forAll("input") { p: Product =>
val rows = p.names.toNonEmptyList.map(t => (p.id, t.lang.value, t.name.value)).toList
Product.fromDatabase(rows) must contain(p)
"ordering" must {
"sort by ID" in {
forAll("products") { ps: List[Product] =>
val expected = ps.map(_.id).sorted
val sorted = ps.sorted.map(_.id)
sorted mustEqual expected