The Euclidean distance between a point P(x,y) and the origin can be calculated using the following formula:
Now that you can calculate the distance between a user and all nearby drivers, how will you find the K nearest drivers? The best data structure that comes to mind to track the nearest K drivers is Heap.
We iterate through the array and calculate the distance between each driver’s current location and the user. We’ll insert the distances of the first K drivers into the Heap. Each time we find a distance smaller than the maximum distance in the Heap, we do two things:
Remove the maximum distance from the Heap
Insert the smaller distance into the Heap
This will ensure that we always have K minimum distances in the Heap. The most efficient way to repeatedly find the maximum number among a set of numbers is to use a max-Heap.
Below is an illustration of this process. We have mapped the city of Seattle onto the cartesian plane to get simpler latitude and longitude values for the driver’s location.