You must replace the {placeholders} (including the curly braces that indicate them) with the
correct values for the region, AWS account_id, specific tm_iam_prefix, ARN and namespace
for your setup. You can optionally create the policy and role in a set path, rather than the root
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# create the first policy, so that it can be used as a permissions boundary for the ↵
aws iam create-policy --policy-name vault-role-permissions-boundary –-path
policy> --policy-document file://vault-role-permission-boundary.json
# create the second policy, so that it can be used as a permissions boundary for the Vault ↵
aws iam create-policy --policy-name vault-installer –path
# create the Vault Installer role, referencing the second policy above as the permissions ↵
# Note: You must supply a trust relationship policy document; see the AWS documentation for ↵
the commands at the link above for more information
aws iam create-role --role-name vault-installer --assume-role-policy-document file://trustrelationship.json --permissions-boundary
# attach the policy as an inline policy, so that the Vault Installer inherits the permissions ↵
that it needs
aws iam put-role-policy –role-name vault-installer –policy-name vault-installer -policydocument file://vault-installer-policy.json
# annotate the Vault Installer Service Account with the ARN of its IAM Role (when the TM ↵
Service Account is deployed)
kubectl annotate serviceaccount -n $namespace vault-installer$account_id:role/vault-installer