React native android debug
adb logcat *:S ReactNative:V ReactNativeJS:V
{"$id":"1","innerException":null,"message":"Request was blocked due to exceeding usage of resource 'Count' in namespace 'AnonymousId'. For more information on why your request was blocked, see the topic \"Rate limits\" on the Microsoft Web site (","typeName":"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server.RequestBlockedException, Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server","typeKey":"RequestBlockedException","errorCode":0,"eventId":3000}
You can access the developer menu by shaking your device
or by selecting "Shake Gesture" inside the Hardware menu
in the iOS Simulator.
You can also use the ⌘D keyboard shortcut when your app is running in the iOS Simulator,
or ⌘M when running in an Android emulator on macOS
and Ctrl+M on Windows and Linux.
Alternatively for Android, you can run the command adb shell
input keyevent 82 to open the dev menu (82 being the Menu key code).
native-run.cmd android --app platforms\android\app\build\outputs\apk\debug\app-debug.apk