<html>: Represents the root element of an HTML document.
<head>: Contains metadata about the HTML document.
<title>: Specifies the title of the HTML document.
<body>: Contains the visible content of the HTML document.
<h1> to <h6>: Headings of decreasing importance (h1 being the most important).
<p>: Represents a paragraph of text.
<a>: Creates a hyperlink to another webpage or resource.
<img>: Embeds an image into the HTML document.
<div>: Defines a division or a section in an HTML document.
<span>: Inline container used for grouping and applying styles to a section of text.
<ul>: Creates an unordered (bulleted) list.
<ol>: Creates an ordered (numbered) list.
<li>: Represents an item in a list.
<table>: Defines a table.
<tr>: Represents a table row.
<td>: Represents a table cell.
<th>: Represents a table header cell.
<form>: Creates a form for user input.
<input>: Defines an input field.
<button>: Creates a clickable button.
<select>: Creates a dropdown list.
<option>: Represents an option within a <select> element.
<textarea>: Creates a multiline text input field.
<label>: Associates a label with a form element.
<iframe>: Embeds another HTML document within the current document.
<audio>: Embeds audio content.
<video>: Embeds video content.
<script>: Embeds or references an external JavaScript code.
<style>: Embeds CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) styles within the HTML document.
<meta>: Provides metadata about the HTML document.