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The Row and Column widgets take the following parameters:

Sumit Rawal answered on July 2, 2023 Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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The Row and Column widgets take the following parameters:


The Row and Column widgets take the following parameters:

crossAxisAlignment: The Row and Column widgets can position their children on the cross axes using the crossAxisAlignment attribute. The cross axis of a row is vertical, while the cross axis of a column is horizontal.

mainAxisAlignment: The Row and Column widgets can position their children on their main axes using the mainAxisAlignment attribute. The main axis of a row is horizontal, while the main axis of a column is vertical.

mainAxisSize: The mainAxisSize attribute specifies the amount of space a row and column can take up on their main axis. Either it will be the maximum (the size of the screen) or the minimum (the total size of the underlying children.)

There are also other lesser-used parameters to be explored.

Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language typescript
Source: Grepper
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Contributed on Jul 02 2023
Sumit Rawal
0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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