#The main advantage over this script instead of the popular one:
#Is that it will download any video at the maximum resolution it provides.
#Whereas the popular one downloads videos at a max of 720p (1280*720 pixels)
#Required (non-default) modules
#pip install pytube, moviepy
import os
from re import sub
from shutil import rmtree
from pytube import YouTube
from enum import Enum
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, AudioFileClip
from ctypes import windll
YT = YouTube("""
EXTENSION = ".mp4"
TEMP_PATH = "Temp/"
EXPORTS_PATH = "Exports/"
def mkdir_not_exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if not os.path.exists(path) else None
windll.kernel32.SetFileAttributesW(TEMP_PATH, 0x2)
#If you want it clean you could use TITLE = fr"{sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', YT.title)}{EXTENSION}",
TITLE = sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', YT.title) + EXTENSION
#but that only works in Python 3.12, which is in pre-release.
if os.path.exists(f"{EXPORTS_PATH}{TITLE}"): os.remove(f"{EXPORTS_PATH}{TITLE}")
class Type(Enum):
for type in Type: YT.streams.filter(only_video = type.value == Type.VIDEO.value, only_audio = type.value == Type.AUDIO.value).first().download(filename=type.value)
VideoFileClip(Type.VIDEO.value).set_audio(AudioFileClip(Type.AUDIO.value)).write_videofile(f"{EXPORTS_PATH}{TITLE}", temp_audiofile=TEMP_TITLE)
#At this time there's no way to easily change the resolution it downloads.
#If you really need a specific resolution, you can alter the code to do so.
#I will eventually also just make an executable with interface for this,
#but I don't know when I've the time to do so.
#Any issues can be submitted on my GitHub page:
# Proofreading Tool
# pip install pytube
from pytube import YouTube
import os
def downloader(url):
yt_vid = YouTube(url).streams.filter(progressive=True)
print("video downloaded")
pip install yt-dlp
yt-dlp -f bestvideo+bestaudio/best --merge-output-format mp4\?v\=<INSERT-ID>
Java 64-bit refers to the version of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that runs on 64-bit operating systems. Here’s a quick overview:
Key Features of 64-bit Java:
Larger Memory Access: 64-bit Java allows Java applications to use more memory (RAM) than the 32-bit version. While the 32-bit version is limited to about 4GB of memory, the 64-bit version can access much larger amounts, making it ideal for resource-intensive applications.
Better Performance for Large Applications: For applications that require handling large data sets, databases, or processing-intensive tasks, 64-bit Java offers better performance due to increased memory availability and optimized performance on 64-bit hardware.
Compatibility: Most modern operating systems (like Windows, macOS, and Linux) are 64-bit, and running 64-bit Java ensures better compatibility with these systems. However, it’s important to note that 64-bit Java can only run on 64-bit operating systems.
Development and Servers: Many enterprise-level servers and development environments use 64-bit Java due to its ability to handle larger workloads, making it a popular choice for software like Hadoop, Apache Tomcat, and large Java applications.
Installation: To install 64-bit Java, you need to download it from the official Oracle website or another trusted source. Make sure your operating system is 64-bit, or else you’ll need to install the 32-bit version.
In summary, Java 64-bit provides better memory management and performance for large-scale Java applications, making it essential for modern computing environments where scalability and memory are critical.