If the useEffect return function returns a function, the returned function is called cleanup. cleanup is run before the effect is reached (to clean up effects from previous renders).
The useEffect returned function runs according to the dependencies array:
- if it's empty [], on unmount.
- if it has dependencies [value1,value2], on dependencies
change (shallow comparison) and unmount.
- if it has no dependencies (no 2nd argument for useEffect)
it runs on every render and unmount.
In React, the useEffect hook is used to synchronize a component with an
external system. It allows you to handle side effects in function components.
The useEffect hook takes two arguments: a callback function that contains
the logic for the side effect, and a dependencies array that determines when
the effect should be run.
The callback function passed to useEffect will be called after the component
is rendered.
The useEffect function returns a cleanup function which will be called when
the component is unmounting or when the effect is re-run. This cleanup
function can be used to perform any necessary cleanup, such as canceling
a network request or removing an event listener.