# Step 1: Initialize a new Git repository
git init
# Step 2: Create a new file (e.g., filename.txt)
touch filename.txt
# Step 3: Add the file to the staging area
git add filename.txt
# Step 4: Commit the changes with a descriptive message
git commit -m "Added filename.txt"
# Step 5: Create a new branch
git branch new-branch
# Step 6: Switch to the new branch
git checkout new-branch
# Step 7: Make some changes to the file
echo "Hello, Git!" >> filename.txt
# Step 8: Add the changes to the staging area
git add filename.txt
# Step 9: Commit the changes on the new branch
git commit -m "Modified filename.txt on new-branch"
# Step 10: Merge the changes back to the main branch (e.g., master branch)
git checkout master
git merge new-branch
# Step 11: Push the changes to a remote repository (e.g., GitHub)
git push origin master
# Step 12: Pull the latest changes from a remote repository
git pull origin master
Refer to for best interactive tutorials.
1) Learn basics of staging, commiting
2) Refer this of evreything else
3) You now know everything you need to and it's time to use your skills in projects
Refer to official docs for the rest.