// Import required libraries (GSAP and ScrollTrigger)
import gsap from 'gsap';
import ScrollTrigger from 'gsap/ScrollTrigger';
// Register ScrollTrigger plugin
// Define the target element
const elementToPin = document.getElementById('elementToPin');
// ScrollTrigger configuration
// Set the element as the trigger
trigger: elementToPin,
// Pin the element, allowing horizontal scrolling
pin: true,
// Disable pinning when scrolling fast
pinSpacing: false,
// Add your own scroll event listener to detect fast scrolling
window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
// Code logic to handle fast scrolling behavior, e.g., unpin element
if (isFastScrolling()) {
// Unpin the element when scrolling fast
// Additional code logic if needed
} else {
// Re-enable pinning if not scrolling fast
// Additional code logic if needed
// Function to detect fast scrolling
function isFastScrolling() {
// Your logic to determine fast scrolling, e.g., based on scroll speed
// Return true if scrolling is considered fast, false otherwise