import tabula
# Define the path to your PDF file
pdf_path = "path/to/your/pdf/file.pdf"
# Read the PDF and extract tables into a DataFrame
df = tabula.read_pdf(pdf_path, pages="all")
# Export the DataFrame to Excel
excel_path = "path/to/save/excel/file.xlsx"
df.to_excel(excel_path, index=False)
print("Data imported from PDF to Excel successfully!")
import tabula
# Specify the path to your PDF file
pdf_path = "path/to/your/pdf/file.pdf"
# Specify the path to save the extracted data as an Excel file
excel_path = "path/to/save/excel/file.xlsx"
# Read the PDF file and extract the data into a DataFrame
df = tabula.read_pdf(pdf_path, pages='all')
# Export the DataFrame to an Excel file
df.to_excel(excel_path, index=False)