// Flutter code using hot reload
// 1. Ensure Flutter framework is up-to-date
// Run the following command in your terminal or command prompt:
flutter upgrade
// 2. Check if hot reload is enabled
// Hot reload is enabled by default, but you can verify it in your Flutter project's configuration file (pubspec.yaml):
// Look for the following line:
uses-material-design: true
// Ensure there are no `--no-hot` flags present in the flutter command or build configurations
// 3. Check if hot reload is triggered correctly
// In your Flutter IDE (like Android Studio or Visual Studio Code), make sure you are using the correct hot reload shortcut or button.
// Typically, the shortcut is 'R', or you can use the hot reload button in the toolbar.
// 4. Ensure source code is saved
// Make sure to save your changes in the source code files (.dart files). Hot reload will not work on unsaved changes.
// 5. If the above steps didn't work, manually perform a stateful hot reload
// Stateful hot reload is a manual workaround that can help in some cases.
// In your IDE, stop the running Flutter application and then run it again.
// 6. If the issue persists, try restarting the Flutter development server
// Stop the running Flutter application and restart the development server.
// Run the following command:
flutter run
// This code snippet provides a general set of steps to troubleshoot hot reload issues in Flutter.
// Depending on the user's specific problem, additional steps may be required.
//Android Studio uses IDEA to import files automatically, Like this
import 'file///F:/flutter_project/lib/home_page.dart';
//Change it to
import 'package:flutter_project/home_page.dart';
//then goto Tool > Flutter > Flutter Clean
Android Studio uses IDEA to import files automatically, Like this
import 'file///F:/flutter_project/lib/home_page.dart';
Change it to
import 'package:flutter_project/home_page.dart';
then goto Tool > Flutter > Flutter Clean