-- Using Wildcards in SQL Queries --
-- The percent symbol (%) represents zero, one, or multiple characters
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE 'wild%';
-- The underscore symbol (_) represents a single character
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE '__word';
-- Combining '%' and '_' to represent any number of characters with a single character
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE '%str_';
-- Using square brackets ([]) to specify a range of characters
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE '[a-c]%';
-- Using the NOT LIKE operator to exclude specific values
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name NOT LIKE 'excluded%';
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE UPPER(col_name) LIKE '%SEARCHED%';
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE col_name LIKE '%Searched%'; -- Case sensitive
% zero or more characters bl% 'bl, black, blue, blob'
_ a single character h_t 'hot, hat, hit'
[] any single character within brackets h[oa]t 'hot, hat', but NOT 'hit'
^ any character not in the brackets h[^oa]t 'hit', but NOT 'hot, hat'
- a range of characters c[a-b]t 'cat, cbt'
% -- Equates to zero or more characters.
-- Example: Find all customers with surnames ending in ‘ory’.
SELECT * FROM customers
WHERE surname LIKE '%ory';
_ -- Equates to any single character.
-- Example: Find all customers living in cities beginning with any 3 characters, followed by ‘vale’.
SELECT * FROM customers
WHERE city LIKE '_ _ _vale';
[charlist] -- Equates to any single character in the list.
-- Example: Find all customers with first names beginning with J, K or T.
SELECT * FROM customers
WHERE first_name LIKE '[jkt]%';