// Assuming you have a GameObject called "myObject" and you want to access its Transform component
// Make sure to replace "myObject" with the actual GameObject name in your scene
// Using the null propagation operator (?.)
Transform transform = myObject?.transform;
if (transform != null)
// Use the transform component
// e.g. transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Debug.LogError("myObject or its Transform component is not set to an instance of an object!");
// Using the null coalescing operator (??)
Transform transform = myObject?.transform ?? throw new System.NullReferenceException("myObject or its Transform component is not set to an instance of an object!");
// Use the transform component
// e.g. transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
// Example code snippet causing NullReferenceException
string myString = null;
int length = myString.Length; // Throws NullReferenceException
// Solution: Ensure the object is initialized before accessing its members
string myString = null;
if (myString != null)
int length = myString.Length;
// Rest of the code using 'length'
// Handle the case when the object is null
Console.WriteLine("The object is null.");