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The impact of Conway's Law on Cloud-Native Microservices

Sumit Rawal answered on September 18, 2023 Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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The impact of Conway's Law on Cloud-Native Microservices


▪ Cloud-native apps rely on loose coupling and separation of concerns.

▪ Microservices ideally correspond to the organization's structure, and how teams

are set up.

Align Teams with Services

● Teams should be organized around specific microservices or functional domains to

enable efficient communication and collaboration.

● Each team owns, develops, and maintains a single service or a group of closely related


Cross-functional Teams: Adapt Organizational structure

● Expertise to develop, deploy, and maintain a microservice. Promotes collaboration and

reduces the need for excessive coordination between separate teams.

● Cross-functional teams working on individual microservices can lead to better-designed


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Contributed on Sep 18 2023
Sumit Rawal
0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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