1. First make sure you are in the directory of the project you want to
use in flutter
2. Next install node.js using this link (we used the latest version) :
3. Then install firebase tools using:
npm install -g firebase-tools
4. Make sure that firebase is in your path by running
firebase --version
5. Make sure flutter is in your path way. you can do this by going
into finder and locating the flutter sdk. once located, right click
click on getInfo, and then you will see "where", then right click and
copy path. Go back to the same terminal window and use this command
export PATH="$PATH:[PATH_TO_FLUTTER_SDK]/flutter/bin"
6. Check if it is really in your path by running flutter doctor
7. Next you want to delete this file called pubspec.lock by running
this command rm pubspec.lock
8. Lastly run this command to install all the tools for flutter fire:
dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli