const numObj = 12345.6789;
numObj.toFixed(); // '12346'; rounding, no fractional part
numObj.toFixed(1); // '12345.7'; it rounds up
numObj.toFixed(6); // '12345.678900'; additional zeros
(1.23e20).toFixed(2); // '123000000000000000000.00'
(1.23e-10).toFixed(2); // '0.00'
(2.34).toFixed(1); // '2.3'
(2.35).toFixed(1); // '2.4'; it rounds up
(2.55).toFixed(1); // '2.5'
// it rounds down as it can't be represented exactly by a float and the
// closest representable float is lower
(2.449999999999999999).toFixed(1); // '2.5'
// it rounds up as it's less than Number.EPSILON away from 2.45.
// This literal actually encodes the same number value as 2.45
(6.02 * 10 ** 23).toFixed(50); // 6.019999999999999e+23; large numbers still use exponential notation
var int = 10;
var float = parseFloat(int).toFixed(2);
console.log(float); // 10.00