sudo apt-get install -y curl
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
# Windows
winget install OpenJS.NodeJS
# or for LTS
winget install OpenJS.NodeJS.LTS
# macOS
curl "${VERSION:-$(wget -qO- | sed -nE 's|.*>node-(.*)\.pkg</a>.*|\1|p')}.pkg" > "$HOME/Downloads/node-latest.pkg" && sudo installer -store -pkg "$HOME/Downloads/node-latest.pkg" -target "/"
# or via brew
brew install node
# Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt-get install curl
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs
# Arch Linux
pacman -S nodejs npm
# CentOS, Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux
dnf module list nodejs # Gets list of available streams
dnf module install nodejs:<stream>
# e.g. dnf module install nodejs:12
# Alpine
apk add nodejs-current
# or for LTS
apk add nodejs npm
# Run powershel as administrator
# download and install Node.js
choco install nodejs-lts --version="20.17.0"
# verifies the right Node.js version is in the environment
node -v # should print `20`
# verifies the right npm version is in the environment
npm -v # should print `10.8.2`
$ curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash - &&\
$ sudo apt install -y nodejs
curl -sL -o
sudo bash
sudo apt install nodejs -y
# installs fnm (Fast Node Manager)
winget install Schniz.fnm
# configure fnm environment
fnm env --use-on-cd | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
# download and install Node.js
fnm use --install-if-missing 20
# verifies the right Node.js version is in the environment
node -v # should print `v20.16.0`
# verifies the right npm version is in the environment
npm -v # should print `10.8.1`
To get text from an Input Field in Unity, you'll need to reference the InputField component and access its text property
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class InputFieldExample : MonoBehaviour
public InputField myInputField;
void Start()
// If you haven't assigned the InputField in the inspector, you can find it by name
if (myInputField == null)
myInputField = GameObject.Find("MyInputField").GetComponent<InputField>();
// Add a listener to the input field
void GetInputText(string text)
Debug.Log("Input Field text: " + text);
// You can also get the text at any time using this method
public void GetCurrentInputText()
string currentText = myInputField.text;
Debug.Log("Current Input Field text: " + currentText);